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Ten Commandments Commission
Board of Members & Supporters

Ron Wexler - Myles Munroe (In Memoriam) - John Barker

Founding Members
Ron Wexler, President

Dr. Myles Munroe, Pastor John Hagee, Cornerstone Church, Dr. Paul Crouch, Trinity Broadcasting Network , Bishop T.D. Jakes, Potter's House of Dallas , Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg , Jerome Edmondson , Senior Partner - Edmondson Associates Maurice Starr - Maurice Starr Productions, Benny Hinn, Founder of Benny Hinn Ministries , Richard Shakarian, Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship , Bishop George McKinney, Executive Board - Church of God in Christ , Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty, Tulsa Victory Christian Center , Dr. Mark J. Chironna, The Master's Touch International Church, Richard Roberts, President - Oral Roberts University, Bishop Paul S. Morton, Founder of the Full Gospel Baptist Fellowship, Dr. Charles Phillips, United Nations Non-Government Official to the Economic Council, Bishop Harold Ray, Redemptive Life Fellowship, Dr. Charles Green, Faith Church of New Orleans, Bishop Eddie L. Long, Jerry Horner, Th.D., Beacon University. Floyd Flake, Pastor and former Congressman, Susan Zahn, President - WDC Media Public Relations, Jason T. Christy, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, The Church Report, David W. Clark, Ph.D., President of Palm Beach Atlantic University, Pastor George Morrison - Chairman, Promise Keepers, Congressman Bill Dannemeyer, Mathew Straver, president - Liberty Council, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, President - Toward Tradition, Maureen Bravo, Orlando - NDP, Jerome Rhyant, President - The Love Center, Florida, Jane A. Hansen - President/ CEO of Aglow International.


TCC Media Committee

Dr. Frank Write - President NRB, Dr. Ron Hembree, President - Cornerstone TV, Dr. Richard Roberts - President ORU, Dr. David Clark , President - PBAU, Richard Shakarian, President -FGBFI, Dr. Bruno Camaano, President - Alma Vision, Warren Trumbly, President KAXT TV, Larry Bates, President Information Radio Network, Ruth Schofield, President - The Washington Report , Jerry Rose, President - TLN, Dr.Garth Coonce, President - TCT. Robert D'Andrea, President - CTN, Glen Plummer, President - CTN Detroit.

Board of Legal advisors

Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) Mathew Staver, President, the Liberty Counsel, Steve Beik, Chief Counsel GOD TV

Advisory & Supportive Board

Mrs. Roberta Combs, Christian Coalition, Washington, DC, Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family, Rev. Jerry Falwell, Liberty Alliance, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Mr. William Murray, Religious Freedom Coalition, Rev. Pat Robertson, Christian Broadcasting Network , Dr. Rick Scarborough, Vision America, Dr. Fredrick Price, Judge Roy Moore, Pastor Rod Parsley, Center of Moral Clarity, Pastor Tommy Barnett, The Dream Center.