Finally, a day in which we can come together and celebrate
God's eternal moral law.
Recent court rulings have threatened the very fabric and foundation of our culture and faith. The Ten Commandments, which have served as the moral foundation and anchor of our great country, are systematically being removed from public places. Public displays of the Ten Commandments have been a powerful visual testimony to the fact that the United States of America is "one nation under God." Their removal from public places shows that those with a secular humanist agenda are intent on destroying the moral heritage of our nation.
Those who care about traditional values cannot passively sit by and watch the removal of the very principles that made this country great. The Ten Commandments are the heart of all moral code and must be restored to the heart of our society.
We are inviting all Christians, churches, synagogues, ministry leaders, religious bookstores and everyone who is interested in preserving traditional values to join us in a national and global movement to restore the Word of God to our nation.
The focal point of this movement is the fifth annual Ten Commandments Day that will be held on Sunday May 2, 2010. On this date we are calling on all who are concerned about traditional Judeo-Christian values to host celebrations in support of the Ten Commandments in their local communities. Many churches have already announced that May 2 will be Ten Commandments Day in their communities. On that day, all are encouraged to wear the Ten Commandments Pin .
With the Ten Commandments Day, we will offer a powerful display of unity as we, with one voice, declare our unwavering support for the bedrock principles that made our country great-The Ten Commandments.
Some of the original Christian leaders involved with the Ten Commandments Day include:
Dr. Paul Crouch, Founder and President of the Trinity Broadcasting Network
Bishop T.D. Jakes, CEO of The Potter's House of Dallas
Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg
Jerome Edmondson , Senior Partner of Edmondson Associates
Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ)
Benny Hinn, Founder of Benny Hinn Ministries
Richard Shakarian of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship
Bishop George McKinney of Church of God in Christ
Dr. Mark J. Chironna, Overseer of The Master's Touch International Church
Marilyn Hickey, Founder of Marilyn Hickey Ministries
Bishop Paul S. Morton, Founder of Life Center Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral
Bishop Harold Ray, Pastor of Redemptive Life Fellowship
Dr. Charles Green, Pastor of Faith Church of New Orleans
Bishop Eddie L. Long of Bishop Eddie Long Ministries, Inc.
Jerry Horner, Th.D., Director of Doctoral Studies, Beacon University
Floyd Flake, Pastor and former Congressman
Jason T. Christy, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, The Church Report
David W. Clark, Ph.D. , President of Palm Beach Atlantic University
Dr. Frank Wright, president of the National Religious Broadcasters
Garth W. Coonce - President, TCT Ministries
Ron Hembree - President, Cornerstone Television
Ken Mikesell - President, TV52 /45 Good Life Broadcasting
Bob D'Andrea, President CTN
Peter Sumrall, President Lesea Broadcasting
John Barker - President, The Ark Complex
Pastor George Morrison - Chairman, Promise Keepers
Mr. David Barton, Wallbuilders, Inc.
Mr. Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families
Mr. Joel Belz, World Magazine
Mr. Phil Burress, Citizens for Community Values
Mr. Jack Clayton,Christian Legal Defense and Education Foundation
Mr. Chuck Colson, Prison Fellowship,Washington, DC
Mrs. Roberta Combs, Christian Coalition,Washington, DC
Congressman Bill Dannemeyer (1979-1992), Americans for Voluntary School Prayer
Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, CO
Mr. Mike Farris, Homeschool Legal Defense Association
Mr. David Keene, American Conservative Union
Dr. D. James Kennedy, Coral Ridge Ministries
Mr. Martin Mawyer, Christian Action Network
Mr. William Murray, Religious Freedom Coalition
Mr. Tony Perkins, Family Research Council, Washington, DC
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND)
Mrs. Frances Rath, Committee for Biblical Principles in Government
Ms. Sandy Rios, Concerned Women for America
Rev. Pat Robertson, Christian Broadcasting Network
Dr. Rick Scarborough, Vision America
Rev. Lou Sheldon, Traditional Values Coalition
Mr. Paul Weyrich, Free Congress Foundation
Mr. Don Wildmon, American Family Association
Rabbi Daniel Lapin, President, Toward Tradition
And many more. . . .
Will you join with us?
Please take a stand and join the coalition of thousands of cross cultural interdenominational community leaders, pastors, rabbis, educators, and heads of denominations who are committed to bringing the Word of God back to our nation. Join us for Ten Commandments Day!